St. Bernard Parish
547 Elm Street
Rockport, IN 47635

Spiritual Life, Faith Formation & Social Concerns Commission

In July of 2018 the Spiritual Life & Faith Formation Commission merged with the Social Concerns Commission. The Spiritual Life, Faith Formation & Social Concerns Commission is made up of members from St. Martin Parish and members from St. Bernard Parish, plus four ex officio members, namely the pastor, the deacon, Director of Religious Education and the Youth Minister.  This Commission initiates and coordinates the parishes’ ministry of  helping individuals to grow in faith.  It gives special attention to continuing education for each person and for the life of our parish families.  It also looks at social teachings of the Catholic Church and getting information to the parishes and informing parishioners of any social issues that may arise. The Spiritual Life, Faith Formation & Social Concerns Commission meets bimonthly on the first Thursday of the month.

The Spiritual Life, Faith Formation & Social Concerns Commission also includes:

Sacramental Preparation

Several meetings are held for parents whose children are preparing for the celebration of First Communion and First Reconciliation. First Reconciliation is celebrated in the Fall and First Communion in the Spring. Contact the cluster parishes office at (812) 649-4811 for more information.

Confirmation is a two year program which normally begins in the Freshman year of high school. We do,  however, have teenagers who start and finish Confirmation as Juniors and Seniors. Those to be Confirmed meet monthly between September and April and take part in a Confirmation Retreat shortly before receiving the Sacrament. Please contact the parish office at 649-4811,  if you have a student you would like to enroll as a Confirmation Candidate, or if you are interested in helping with this program.

Children’s Liturgy of the Word

Children’s Liturgy of the Word is a program for 3, 4, and 5 year olds.  This program takes place during the 10:30 am Sunday Mass throughout the whole year. Children go to a separate area of the Church and learn about the Sunday readings on their age level. They return at the Presentation of the Gifts. Children make crafts, draw, color, and much more. Parents are welcome to be present with the children and/or to lead this ministry on Sundays. Contact the cluster parishes’ office at (812) 649-4811.

Sunday Religious Education

Our religious education/formation program for children who are in Kindergarten through 8th grade takes place Sunday from 9:00 am to 10:00 am. For more information contact the cluster parishes office at (812) 649-4811.

Vacation Bible School

To Be Determined

High School Religious Education

Freshmen and Sophomores participate in the Confirmation Program and Scripture Study. For more information contact  the cluster parishes’ office at  649-4811.

Adult Faith Formation

St. Bernard and St. Martin Parishes believe that education in the Catholic Church continues well into the adult years of life. In fact, we believe that we can continue to learn about our faith, and our Father who loves us, until the day we go home to be with Him. In order to provide this education, we have had and continue to have programs in place to provide more learning experiences, and are constantly striving to provide new opportunities of continuing education. We have had Bible/Scripture Studies and Lenten Soup Suppers with various guest speakers and a variety of topics.  If you are interested, please call the cluster parishes’ office at 812-649-4811.

Marriage Sponsor Couples

Marriage is so important to the life of the church and to the welfare of society that the Catholic Church supports those who are engaged. Married couples, trained to share their experiences with engaged couples, assist them as they begin their new life together. Engaged couples are asked to notify the pastor at least 6 months prior to their wedding so that the necessary preparation can begin. For more information contact the cluster parishes office at (812) 649-4811.

Right of Christian Initiation – RCIA

The RCIA is the liturgical and catechetical process by which new members are initiated into the Catholic Church. Although designed initially for the non-baptized, the RCIA has been adapted to bring members baptized into other Christian traditions into full communion with the Catholic Church. The RCIA program is established for adults and children of catechetical age (7 and above) who are to be brought into the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil through the reception of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist, or through the Profession of Faith, Confirmation and Eucharist. For more information contact Carolyn Thorpe at the cluster parishes’ office at (812) 649-4811.

Prayer Chain

The prayer chain offers support and prayers for special intentions submitted to our Parish. To request prayer for yourself or someone else or to join the prayer request group, please contact the cluster parishes office at (812) 649-4811.

Rosary Group

A small faithful group of ladies and gentlemen meet in St. Bernard Church every Monday evening at 4:00 p.m. to pray the Rosary to our Blessed Virgin Mother. All are welcome to join this group. If you would like more information, please call the parish office at (812) 649-4811.

Homebound Ministry

The Homebound Ministry delivers Communion to those who are unable to attend Sunday Mass. If you or anyone you know is in need of this ministry, please call one of the following:

  • Cluster Parishes Office, (812) 649-4811
  • Deacon Mike Waninger, (812) 660-0909

Funeral Dinner Committee

The Funeral Dinner Committee organizes dinners for families and friends of deceased parishioners. This dinner is held in the school gym, usually after returning from the cemetery. If you would like to help with this ministry by donating a covered dish or  by helping to serve at the dinners, please call the parish office at 812-649-4811.

Altar Society

The St. Bernard Altar Society purchases and cares for the sacred linens, altar cloths, patens, cruets and other liturgical items. Members of the Altar Society do fund raising projects and then contribute all the proceeds to the beautification of the church. The success of this ministry is dependent on the generosity and talents of its members. They are encouraged to be active, show personal interest in the work of the society, and express their views. All are encouraged to serve on committees. Membership is open to all women of the parish. The Altar Society meets the first Wednesday of each month. For more information contact Sheila Rodgers (812) 660-0231.

Youth Group

The St. Bernard and St. Martin I Youth Ministry is for anyone in the sixth grade up to the twelfth grade. Most of the activities for the Middle School and the High School are separated. You do not have to be Catholic or from St. Martin I or St. Bernard to attend. We focus on fun, community service, worship, and spiritual education in a Christ-centered environment. For more information or to volunteer, please contact the parish office at (812) 649-4811.

Parish Library

The parish library is located in the meeting room of St. Bernard Church.  In 2004, Mary Rita Bays and Mary Jo Ressell started working on plans for a library, they were able to get the first books donated in 2005. Several volunteers helped catalog the books and set up the library. You can visit our library and check out books whenever the church is open. Check out is on the honor system by signing out the books in the notebook provided. There are many materials on religion, spirituality, history, the lives of the saints, Christian fiction, and much more. If you would like a book placed in the parish library in memory of a loved one or in honor of someone, a card may be sent to the family informing them of your gift. If you want to donate something to the collection, or have any questions concerning this service, please contact the cluster parishes’ office at (812)649-4811.

Angel Tree Ministry

During Advent we invite people to take an angel from the “Angel Tree” in the back of  church.  Each angel has a small list of items written on the back of  it.  These items are purchased for someone in need and given to them for Christmas. Our contact person is Marilyn Sermersheim.

Haiti Mission Ministry

This ministry involves St. Bernard’s sister parish, St. Therese, in Haiti. Three special collections are taken up each year at St. Bernard with the proceeds sent to St. Therese. There are also other fundraisers that are held throughout the year by the Confirmation class,  by St. Bernard School students and by St. Bernard parishioners to assist St. Therese. Some of these fund-raisers are done in conjunction with Trinity United Methodist Church in Rockport.  If you are interested in this ministry, please contact Larry and Melina Hurm at (812) 649-4575.

Christian Resource Center Ministry

The Christian Resource Center is a local food and clothing pantry which St. Bernard supports with a special collection each year. St. Bernard Parish and School also donate canned goods and canned hams for Easter and Christmas baskets. Contact the cluster parishes office at (812) 649-4811 for more information.

Relay for Life Ministry

This cluster ministry involves raising awareness and money for cancer research and projects in Spencer County. The annual Cancer Relay for Life event is held the first week in June.  They celebrate cancer survivors at this event,  remember  those who have died, and raise money to further cancer research. The contact people for this ministry are Sara Kleeman (812) 303-7649, Leah Ambler (812) 359-4132, and Charlotte Weber at (812) 362-8190.  Give them a call if you wish to participate or to make a donation.

Welcome Committee

This committee concerns itself with helping new parishioners feel more welcomed and a greater part of St. Bernard Parish. It offers immediate support and information to new parishioners in an effort to assist in easing them into parish life and stewardship. If you are new to the parish, please contact the cluster parishes office at (812) 649-4811.  Welcome!


Spiritual Life & Faith Formation Commission Members

The Spiritual Life & Faith Formation Commission is composed of the following members from St. Bernard Parish:

Members from St. Martin Parish are:

Ex Officio Members are:


St. Bernard Parish • 547 Elm Street • Rockport, IN 47635 • 812-649-4811
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