St. Bernard Parish
547 Elm Street
Rockport, IN 47635
St Bernard Church in Rockport, Indiana
St Bernard Statue in Rockport, Indiana

Liturgy Commission

The Liturgy Commission gives special attention to how the parish community worships and celebrates the Liturgy. In collaboration with the Pastor, the Liturgy Commission plans for the seasons and feasts of the Church’s Liturgical Year, sacramental celebrations, and other liturgical events. If you would like more information concerning this commission please call  the parish office at (812) 649-4811.

The Liturgy Commission also includes:

Decorating Committee

In consultation with the Liturgy Commission, the Decorating Committee, plans and executes the art and environment for the major seasons and feasts of the Church year. It also strives to produce a pleasing and prayerful atmosphere throughout the worship space during other times of the year as well. For more information contact the parish office.

Music Ministers

Music touches the soul! Here at St. Bernard we thoroughly believe that statement. We are proud of our choirs, cantors and instrumentalists. Cantors lead the singing at the Saturday evening Mass. The Adult Choir sings every Sunday at the 10:30 A.M. Mass and on Holy Days of Obligation, as well as other special occasions both at church and in the community. The Children’s Choir sings at the Christmas Vigil Mass and other special liturgical celebrations. If you would like to know more about, or become a part of this ministry, please contact the parish office at (812) 649-4811.

Liturgical Ministers

“I don’t get anything out of Mass.” “Mass is boring!” Have you or your children ever thought or said this?  If so, this is your chance to change this feeling!

The church’s liturgical ministry gives members of our parish an opportunity to share their gifts and talents with their fellow parishioners, and to help enhance the liturgies. Liturgical ministers include Lectors, who proclaim or read the first two readings, sometimes the Responsorial Psalm, and the Prayers of the Faithful. Greeters are the people you meet as you come to Mass and who pass out bulletins at the end of Mass. Gift Bearers present the gifts of bread and wine during the Preparation of Gifts at the Parish Liturgies. Extraordinary Ministers distribute the Eucharist and the Precious Blood. Sacristans are responsible for setting up the church for all weekend Masses and all Holy Days of Obligation. They also care for the sacred vessels, dishes and linens used for the Masses. Servers assist the priest and deacon at Mass. Children may become Servers as early as the Third Grade.

All middle school and high school youth are encouraged to participate as Greeters, Lectors, Ushers and/or Gift Bearers.

Please contact the Parish Office at (812) 649-4811 for more information on becoming a Liturgical Minister.

St. Bernard Parish • 547 Elm Street • Rockport, IN 47635 • 812-649-4811
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