St. Bernard Parish
547 Elm Street
Rockport, IN 47635
St Bernard Church in Rockport, Indiana

St. Bernard Kindergarten and Preschool Round-Ups

The St. Bernard Catholic School Kindergarten and Pre-K registration and Round-up is Wednesday, February 26th from 4:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. in the gym.  Kindergarten classroom visitation is available from 8:30-9:15 that morning.

A $25 registration fee for Kindergarten or $20 for Preschool will ensure a spot held for your child for the 2014-2015 school year.

We hope to see you on the 26th, or you can give the school a call at 812-649-2501, or stop by the school office any time so we can discuss your child and the benefits of a St. Bernard Catholic School education!  You may also email our Principal Matthew Moore.

If you child is age 3-5, St. Bernard provides an experienced, learning, safe and nurturing environment in our Preschool & Daycare.  Call 812-649-4417 and speak with our Director Christy Yeager.

St. Bernard Parish • 547 Elm Street • Rockport, IN 47635 • 812-649-4811
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